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The history of candle-making: How it all started, and how it evolved over time.

Candles have been used for centuries for various purposes, including lighting, religious ceremonies, and decoration. The art of candle-making has evolved over time, with new techniques and materials being developed to create more efficient and attractive candles. In this blog, we will explore the history of candle-making, from its earliest origins to the modern-day.

Early History of Candle-Making:

The earliest known candles were made by the ancient Egyptians, who used rushlights made from reeds dipped in animal fat. The ancient Romans also used candles made from tallow, which is a byproduct of animal fat. These early candles were not very efficient or long-lasting and often emitted unpleasant odors.

During the Middle Ages, beeswax candles were developed, which burned cleaner and had a pleasant aroma. However, beeswax was expensive and only used for religious purposes or by the wealthy.

Evolution of Candle-Making Techniques:

In the 18th century, the discovery of spermaceti, a waxy substance found in the head of sperm whales, revolutionized candle-making. Spermaceti candles burned brighter and longer than tallow or beeswax candles and were also odorless. However, the use of spermaceti was controversial due to the hunting of sperm whales, which was harmful to their populations.

In the 19th century, paraffin wax was discovered, which was derived from petroleum. Paraffin wax was cheaper than beeswax and spermaceti and could be molded into various shapes and sizes. This led to the mass production of candles, and candle-making became an industry.

Modern-Day Candle-Making:

Today, candle-making is a popular hobby and a thriving industry. Soy wax, which is made from soybeans, has become a popular alternative to paraffin wax due to its renewable and eco-friendly nature. Beeswax candles are also still popular, and some candle-makers use a blend of different waxes to create unique candles with specific properties.

Candle-making techniques have also advanced, with the use of molds, dyes, and fragrances to create candles in various colors, shapes, and scents. Some candle-makers also add essential oils to their candles for aromatherapy purposes.

The history of candle-making has been a long and fascinating journey, with new materials and techniques being developed over time. From the rushlights of ancient Egypt to the scented candles of today, candles have come a long way. Whether used for practical or decorative purposes, candles remain an integral part of our lives and will continue to evolve with the times.

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