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How Candles Can Improve Your Mental Health

Updated: Jan 18, 2023

Candles can be a lovely and affordable addition to your self-care supplies, but they are by no means a miracle cure. It's important to take care of yourself. Even while a candle isn't going to fix all of your problems, sometimes the little things can make a big difference.

Candles are Meditative

There is nothing better for our soul than meditation. Aromatherapy and the calming effects of a flickering flame can aid in meditation as you calm your mind.

There have been plenty of studies over the years which have touched on the idea that our sense of smell can have a direct impact on our mood, productivity, and stress levels. It’s also directly linked to our memories and the right scent can easily conjure up memories of a happier time. Candles can be instrumental in helping to ease the symptoms of conditions such as anxiety, stress, or even insomnia.

They Are An Affordable Luxury

When you can’t splash out, treating yourself to a small candle will help to uplift your mood. We can’t always buy what we truly want or need (and it’s true that you can’t buy happiness), but when we spend money on ourselves it’s a reminder that we’re just as worthy of gifts as others, no matter the occasion.

Candles can be found to suit any budget and fragrance preference, so don’t be afraid to shop around to find something truly special.

Scent Reinvigorates Your Space

We all fall into a rut sometimes. And when we’re tired of staring at the same four walls or feel ourselves sinking deeper into a low mood, something as simple as changing up a room’s smell can work wonders.

Try a fresh, invigorating scent ]and take a deep, cleansing breath, fling your curtains open as wide as you can and evaluate your surroundings in the new light of a changed scent.

Good Smells Help You Sleep

A good night’s sleep is so essential to mental and physical health. However, sometimes the required eight hours (or even less) can elude us. Candles have been shown to be helpful when it comes to improving sleep quality. Take a long soak in the bath with a candle burning to put you in a restful mood before using a pillow mist with a complimentary scent to help the relaxing smells follow you into your dreams. Remember that it’s vital to make sure that you’ve extinguished all candles before you fall asleep to avoid the risk of a house fire.

Add a candle to your mental health self-care kit today.

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